Economics | Strategy | Policy | Research
What: The Health Finance & Access Initiative (HFAAI) is a research and policy organization specializing in economics, strategy and investment in healthcare markets and health systems. We provide thought leadership and identify “win-win” solutions across stakeholders to efficiently improve access to medicines and health services in developed and emerging market countries.
How: We evaluate funding, reimbursement, pricing and financing approaches with careful attention to the incentives across various stakeholders. We seek to optimally balance the demands of patients, payers (government and private) and suppliers/providers of medicines and health services with respect to cost, quality and access. When warranted, we also propose novel financing, reimbursement or delivery solutions to improve upon existing approaches for funding or providing health care products and services. We ground our analytical approach in economics, epidemiology/clinical research, statistics and operations/management research.
Whom: Global in scope, we assist healthcare firms, financial institutions, governments, donors, foundations and bi/multilateral organizations as they aim to understand, develop, evaluate and prioritize reimbursement, financing and delivery options to improve health, optimize efficiency and increase returns. In serving our partners, we are open to collaborating with other research organizations, academic institutions and policy groups in order to develop insights and generate solutions.